MTP Performing Arts Grade 7 (Approved)

By the end of Junior Secondary, the learner should be able to:-Perform music, dance, theatre, elocution and film works for self and cultural expression. -Perform different genres of music, dance, theatre, elocution and film to promote diverse cultural knowledge.-Create musical, theatrical, elocution and film artworks within specified guidelines for enjoyment and appreciation.-Perform alone and with others for. individual development, self-fulfilment and enjoyment.-Evaluate music, dance, theatre, elocution and film works to make meaningful connections to local and international communities.-Use locally available materials to make musical instruments, costumes, scenery and props for use in performance.-Use available technology to enhance learning and develop creativity in music, dance, theatre, elocution and film.-Use music, dance, theatre, elocution and film to address pertinent and contemporary issues in society.

KSh 603

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