One Planet Knowing God CRE Grade 6

Knowing God Christian Religious Education (CRE) Learner’s Book for Grade 6 has the following unique features:-Discussion points with key inquiry questions at the beginning of every concept in a sub strand to guide learning.-Bible reading section that guides learners to acquire knowledge of the Bible and appreciate lessons derived from Bible readings.-Variety of learner-centred Activities that deliver a rich learning experience which makes learning interesting and meaningful.-Home activity section with varied activities that promote parental engagement as learners apply at home what they have learnt. They also learn more about concepts from their parents, guardians and other family members. -Summary section that provides key points on the concepts learnt.-Self-reflection and Peer reflection activities to promote self and peer assessment by learners.-An Imagine section that guides learners to appreciate the need to practise what they learn. .-An I promise section that stimulates a positive, attitude and guides learners to commit themselves to acquiring desired behaviour.-Key words section that highlights the main terms covered in a sub strand and guides learners to build on their vocabulary.-An Assessment section with varied assessment tools after every sub strand.-Community activity section with varied activities chat guide learners to apply what they learn in school in their community.

KSh 661

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