OUP Active Mathematics Grade 8(Approved)

KSh 905

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Active Mathematics is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for theCompetency Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at acquisition and appreciation of the core competencies, values, and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)..Active Mathematics, Learner’s Book Grade 8 has:-Why learn this sections aimed at helping learners to appreciate the application of the concept learnt in real life.-Numerous interactive activities to enable learners acquire practical skills to solve problems in their environment.-Engage sections aimed at introducing the learners to the various concepts.-Numerous assessment exercises for independent revision by the learners.-Reflect sections that allow learners to recap what they have learnt during the lesson.-Extended activity sections to allow learners to engage family in the learning process.-Digital activity sections that allow learners to apply ICT in learning.


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