Spotlight Pre-Technical Studies Grade 8 (Approved)

KSh 815

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Spotlight Pre-Technical Studies Learner’s Book Grade 8 has been uniquely designed to help Grade 8 learners in understanding basic Pre-Technical Studies concepts in line with the curriculum. It comprehensively covers the Pre-Technical Studies Grade 8 Competency-Based Curriculum Design. The book is presented in a clear, simple and precise language to make learning interesting.Key features of the book:-Relevant learning experiences have been provided in form of learning tasks, exercises, digital tasks, further learning tasks and key learning points. All these are within the level of the learner.-All Pre-Technical Studies concepts and skills have been addressed as per curriculum demands.-Fosters understanding of Pre-Technical Studies Grade 8 concepts by use of real-life concepts, research, practice and outdoor tasks.-Learner-centred approaches, discovery-based and inquiry-based activities have been applied to develop concepts, core competences, values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls).-Attractive full colour illustrations and relevant clear photographs have been used to clarify Pre-Technical Studies concepts.-Assessment questions and self-assessment checklists have been provided at the end of each sub strand to encourage self and peer assessment of taught concepts.-A Teacher’s Guide is available for this title.


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